Ameba Arduino Example Guides
Wi-Fi/Network/BLE Examples
- WiFi - Scan the surrounding WiFi networks
- WiFi - Connect to WiFi networks
- WiFi - Set up Server to Communicate
- WiFi - Set up Client to Retrieve Google Search Information
- WiFi - Set up UDP Server to Communicate
- WiFi - Retrieve Universal Time (UTC) by UDP
- WiFi - Set up WiFi AP Mode
- WiFi - Set up SSL Client for HTTPS Communication
- WiFi - Approximate UDP Receive Delay
- WiFi - Approximate UDP Sending Delay
- WiFi - Approximate UDP Receive Timeout
- WiFi - Concurrent Mode
- HTTP - Retrieve HTTP websites from the Internet
- HTTP - Set up Server to Control LED
- HTTP - Set up Server to Get the Ameba Status
- HTTP - Use IFTTT for Web Service
- MQTT - Set up MQTT Client to Communicate with Broker
- MQTT - Use Amazon AWS IoT Shadow Service
- MQTT - Set up MQTT Client over TLS
- MQTT - Upload PM2.5 Data to LASS System
- MQTT - Use Google Cloud IoT
- MDNS - Set up mDNS Client on Arduino IDE
- BLE - BLE Battery Service
- BLE - BLE Beacon
- BLE - BLE Scan
- BLE - Battery Client
- BLE - WiFi Configuration Service
- BLE - BLE UART Client
- BLE - BLE UART Service
- BLE - HID Gamepad
- BLE - HID Keyboard
- BLE - HID Mouse
- BLE - V7RC Car
- IPv6 - Set up IPv6 Server/Client over TCP
- IPv6 - Set up IPv6 Server/Client over UDP
- NTP - Retrieve Universal Time (UTC) by NTPClient library
Peripheral Examples
- GPIO - Measure Distance by Ultrasound Module
- GPIO - Measure Temperature And Humidity
- GPIO - Use GPIO Interrupt to Control LED
- PWM - Play Music by buzzer
- PWM - Servo Control
- I2C - Send Data to Arduino UNO
- I2C - Receive Data from Arduino UNO
- I2C - Slave Send Data to Arduino UNO
- I2C - Slave Receive Data from Arduino UNO
- I2C - Display Data on LCD Screen
- I2C - Scan I2C devices
- UART - Communicate with PC over USB to Serial Module
- UART - Retrieve GPS Position
- UART - Set Callback Function for UART Communications
- UART - PM2.5 Concentration in The Air
- Flash Memory - Store data in Flash EEPROM
- Flash Memory – Use Flash Memory Larger Than 4K
- SPI - Print Image and Text On LCD Screen
- SPI – Show PM2.5 Concentration on ILI9341 TFT LCD
- GTimer - Use the Periodic Gtimer
- GTimer - Using the One-Time Gtimer
- Power Save - Deep Sleep Mode
- Power Save - Deep Sleep for DHT and E-Paper
- Power Save - Deep Sleep for DHT and LCD
- Power Save - Tickless Mode
- IR - Transmit IR NEC Raw Data and Decode
- IR - Transmit IR Sony Data
- E-Paper - Display Images
- E-Paper - Display Text
- E-Paper - Display User-generated QR Code
- RTC - Simple RTC
- RTC - Simple RTC Alarm
- Watchdog - Simple WDT
- TensorFlow Lite - Hello World
- TensorFlow Lite - Magic Wand
- TensorFlow Lite - Person Detection
- WS2812B - Basics
- WS2812B - Patterns
- OTA - Update Firmware to Ameba via OTA
- Debugging - Using the Debug Interface
Components used in Examples

Adafruit 2.8” TFT LCD Touch Shield
ILI9341 TFT LCD display, touch screen with built in microSD card connection. Support SPI.

Adafruit LSM9DS1
Accelerometer with 3 acceleration channels, 3 angular rate channels, and 3 magnetic field channels. Supports I2C and SPI.

Adafruit TXB0108
8-channel Bi-directional logic level converter.

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
High-quality GPS positioning module with -165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels.

Arducam Mini 2MP Plus - OV2640 SPI Camera Module
A high definition 2MP SPI camer. Supports I2C and SPI.

DHT11 / DHT21(AM2301) / DHT22(AM2302)
Low cost temperature & humidity sensors working by 3 to 5V power and I/O.

Grove - Infrared Emitter
The Infrared Emitter is used to transmit infrared signals through an infrared LED.

Grove - Infrared Receiver
The Infrared Receiver is used to receive infrared signals and also used for remote control detection.

I2C 2×16 LCD
2×16 LCD display screen with I2C interface.

PlanTower PMS3003 / PMS5003
Air quality sensor that detects concentration of micro particulate matters.

ILI9341 TFT LCD display, with built in microSD card connection. Support SPI.

Tower Pro SG90
Tiny and lightweight servo with high output power.

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - HC-SR04
Ultrasonic distance sensor module.

USB to TTL Adapter
The USB TTL Serial cables are a range of USB to serial converter cables which provide connectivity between USB and serial UART interfaces.

Waveshare E-Ink display module (296x128, 2.9inch)
E-Ink display module, 2.9inch, 296x128 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface, supports partial refresh.

WS2812 LED (4*4)
Intelligent control LED integrated light source.